Another cave has just been discovered north of Yorkshire, in Great Britain. Some of the world’s most famous archaeologists have once again been called to the site. It has been predicted that “the cave” may have been used as a summer camp - first by Neanderthals and later by Cro-Magnons. These early humans were probably following herds of animals as many as 50,000 years ago. Previously discovered caves, in the same area, were also used by early humans during the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age.
Many bones, tools, fossils and artifacts have already been unearthed in “the cave”. Early investigation and preliminary dating of some of these discoveries have led archaeologists to announce to the world - that this “MAY BE ………an Ice Age cave used by our early ancestors”. “The cave” is considered a great archaeological discovery and the world eager awaits the new and exciting information the discoveries will hopefully reveal about the people and time known as the Ice Age.
Follow the footprints to find out more about the cave...... | ![]() |