art historian

STUDENT PROCESS: Activities for Art Historian

What do you think about when you hear the term 'art'? Perhaps what comes to your mind are the kinds of projects you do in art class or the paintings that hang in an art museum.

Well, as the assistant to the Art Historian, Ms. P. Bristle, you'll be looking at paintings, sculpture, carvings and drawings that are more than 10,000 years old and some very new art too! How did people who were pretty much like us make these objects and why?

While lots of questions that you get asked in school (or at home) have 'right' and 'wrong' answers, for the next few weeks your task is to try to imagine yourself as an artist back in the Ice Age and keep asking yourself :

"Why did I make this piece of art"

"How did I make it"

"What did my friends, family and maybe even enemies think of my art work?"

And as you gather more information, perhaps your answers to these really 'unanswerable' questions may change.


Activity #1: Art Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle


Activity #2: Paleolithic Artwork Database


Activity #3: Compare Paleolithic Art with Contemporary Art from the Same Region


Activity #4: Play the Ice Age Art Game again


Extension Activity #5: Create a Prehistoric Cave Art Documentary



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