Liberian Fieldwork

On the branch one blossom, now one blossom strong warmth too is growing (Ransetsu)

Welcome to the Student & Faculty Blog for
Salem State University's Liberian Peacebuilders' Fieldwork Initiative

(RSS links to each participant's blog can be found at the bottom of this page.)

Friday, March 8, 2013

After an internet outage and an unexpected school closure, I am finally making my first post!

One thing I am looking forward to in Liberia is obviously the weather. I won’t mind some heat after all of the nor’easters we’ve been slammed with all winter. As much I really disliked the internet being down, it’s nice that I’ll be disconnecting from things like the internet for a greater cause.
I would have laughed at you if you told me in September that I’d be spending my Spring Break in Liberia. Now that it’s one day out, I couldn’t be more excited. My geographic senses are buzzing. I can’t wait to observe another culture and get a snapshot of what their lives are like. I have been abroad for school and traveled to other countries for pleasure, but I never been on a trip like this. 

This trip has a purpose, which is to give Liberians the skills that they’ll need to continue rebuilding. 
I’m so glad this is not the kind of trip where our group is like, “You’re doing everything wrong. No wonder why you guys are in such bad shape. Here, we’re going to fix you.” There’s too much of that in the world. There’s that quote about teaching a man how to fish for a lifetime, and I think that perfectly describes the kind of work we’ll be doing over the week. It also an awesome coincidence that aquaculture is a component of the work we’ll be doing.

I have a list of questions I hope to answer by the time our trip is over. What is life like as a Liberian? How do they see their future? Do they think things will change for the better? What do they expect from us as outsiders?  

I hope that I can answer these questions and more after this week. Internet access in Liberia will be very limited, so my next post won’t be until we return. Stay tuned!


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