EDU738: Educ. Research Across the Curriculum

'... that Truth is not a colored bird to be chased among the rocks and captured by its tail, but a skeptical attitude toward life.' from "Arrowsmith" by Sinclair Lewis


Here is an example of one group’s introductory paragraph that points out the two types of research studies that are going to be examined in the literature review:

“Significant research in the field of education has been devoted to factors that are positively correlated to academic success. With the current focus on standardized testing and academic achievement for all students, recent research has focused on variables that are predictors of academic success. Two factors in particular that have been extensively researched are level of physical fitness and short-term memory abilities….”

Here is an example from the body of the literature review where the group makes a connection with a previously discussed research study but indicates how this one examines the topic from another angle:

“Another study looked at similar variables, but from a pre-entry perspective in relation to online learning. Dupin-Bryant (2004) sought to determine a correlation between online retention and 6 pre-entry variables: cumulative GPA, class rank, number of previous courses completed online, searching the Internet training, operating systems/file management training and Internet applications training. The results of this research study suggest that…”

Here is an example from one group’s closing paragraph where they quickly sum up the findings and limitations of prior research and then go on to indicate where their study fits in:

“…With documented changes in how people can choose to read and possible changes in how they prefer to read, the topic of reading preferences is an area that requires more research. The data shows [sic] people are using a greater variety of media options, but what is absent from the research is data that reveals what media people are using for what type of reading activity (pleasure, research, education assignments, etc.). Furthermore, the concept of literacy has yet to be redefined in response to media changes over the past twenty years. Data revealing a decline in reading is questionable considering the omission of digital media in the definition of reading for the study. For this research study, we include digital media in the definition of reading literacy as we seek to identify whether participants prefer print resources or another form of media to gather information.”